In order to download the photos I have to go backwards so last comes first, and I'll send the day before tomorrow. You won't mind will you? Enjoy our day at the zoo, and the biking and beach, tomorrow.
Don't ask me which day comes first. It's a little confusing at this point.
I can work it out if I try, but it's 11 pm at night, and I'm thinking that asking Diane to write creatively at 11pm is like asking my Grandma to sing opera at 10 AM. But we don't need creative writing, do we? Just the facts, ma'mm . And a few photos to open the way.
I do know that on Monday we rented bikes, and the plan was to tool around until six, when we'd meet Khaldia at the cafe, and then go home for dinner. She'd spend the day getting gorgeous at the beach. Didn't quite work out that way, and I discovered, 1) I had the house keys in my pocket, 2) I don't know how to use a French pay phone, no matter how I try, 3) Khaldia is the sweetest most forgiving soul on the planet. At 7pm we finally urged a passer-by who parlayed anglay to call her on her cell, and discover she'd been trapped home all that time.
I can work it out if I try, but it's 11 pm at night, and I'm thinking that asking Diane to write creatively at 11pm is like asking my Grandma to sing opera at 10 AM. But we don't need creative writing, do we? Just the facts, ma'mm . And a few photos to open the way.
I do know that on Monday we rented bikes, and the plan was to tool around until six, when we'd meet Khaldia at the cafe, and then go home for dinner. She'd spend the day getting gorgeous at the beach. Didn't quite work out that way, and I discovered, 1) I had the house keys in my pocket, 2) I don't know how to use a French pay phone, no matter how I try, 3) Khaldia is the sweetest most forgiving soul on the planet. At 7pm we finally urged a passer-by who parlayed anglay to call her on her cell, and discover she'd been trapped home all that time.
To make up for it we treated her to ice cream in town, and danced to a salsa band there. The next day was non-stop beach, and the next a trip to pomeray zoo. Palm trees line many boulevards in Royan, but I didn't realize how tropical the climate was till I saw the open and expansive animal playgrounds among the rivers, waterfalls, pines and palms of the place.
It was our first really hot, hot day, not terrific for viewing furry mammals, who thought better than we did of exerting any effort whatsoever. The lion was prone under the bridge, and the tiger and his mate clung to whatever shadows they could find. Still, there's certain spirits you can't hold down, especially when there's a rubber dragon dangling in their faces.
Mostly the police we see ride on bikes wearing shorts. Hard to take them seriously. Didn't see a single Zoo official, and the mobbed crowds sensed it. The vendors are far too dignified and composed to do anything like say, "Hey! Whader ya tryin to do, fr crying out loud? Feeding popcorn to these endangered beasts? Do you know what it does to them? And for the love of heaven, throwin COINS in the SEAL tank? Are you out of your ever-lovin GOURDS?" [The people who serve food here have all the self-esteem and class of anyone selling diamonds at Tiffany's. It is an honor. They are doing you a wonderful favor by being who they are and where they are. It takes me aback. Makes me rethink things.]
Non. The SIGNS say something like 'please don't feed the animals', I think. But the crowds of loving families pull out bags of popcorn, tear pieces of their baggettes and sandwiches, and feed, feed away, little tots holding crumbs out for the elephant to snatch it, or the ostrich, or giraffe. Maybe it's ok. The animals didn't mind one bit. Emma Nour made a list at the end of the day of every animal she touched.
On to the photos, and whatever comments I can manage at 11:33 pm. [Not complaining. The full moon woke me up before sunrise, shimmering across the ocean. What a privilege to be here.
This one, showing the playful and other-worldly archicecture of the zoo, were taken by Khaldia. The next four pictures as well.
The ugliest, most endearing donkey. Emma Nour got a chance to pet him.
But not him. Way off on an island.
This tiger, complete with Aicha's toes, and the following four photos, are taken by Aicha. She loves taking pictures.
EN adding to her list of animals she's touched. A did too.
Also pet by EN, after climbing up the railing a bit.
She couldn't touch these otters, but the dragon almost became their dinner.
Yup, they pet the ostrich. On the back. EN was a little too shy to get the bread she was given close to that beak. (Picture by Aicha) p.s. I'd have EN's pictures here too, except my computer won't accept them. We'll try in Paris to download some). Aicha's photos follow:
Emma Nour took a great movie of these guys talking to each other and one climbig over the other to get outside.
Dragon's last entertainment of the evening.
After the zoo we wanted to cool off with a swim, and driving back from the zoo, in bumper-to-bumper renaults, opals, peugeuts and other bug-like autos, we noticed cars parked besides the pine woods that lined the road, and people packing up beach gear. Not hard to pause and ask, after an inviting peek at a sandy pathway, --as we were creeping along, -- if the beach was near. Oui! So we pulled over and grabbed the bags of towels and suits, headed down there. Is it very long? asked the girls after a few hundred feet. How should we know? Finally light, and shore, and a narrow beach with super pounding waves. EN dashed in. Aicha followed, and I discreetly got dressed to follow her. Too late. She came back distressed. The wave had catapulted her, and her glasses were gone. I was more concerned for EN's safety at that point, beaming with glee at each wave [they used to chant at the very safe and tame waves on the St. Georges beach "I wish for a really big wave but not a tsunami and nothing that will drown anyone, not even naked people". Over and over. Honest. ) anyway I ran in, calling to her and she came in all safe, was distressed about the glasses, and we both went looking in the safer surf. Aicha at first felt awful, and vulnerable. Then she had this thought that some needy person in China will find them. We stayed awhile looking, then made our way home. Aicha took photos of the forest, as it reminded her of Prince Caspian's forest. I was glad she had her spirits back.
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